AmigaActive (1526/2143)

From:Andrew Korn
Date:23 May 2000 at 17:01:45
Subject:Re: 4Q + D = E

Adam Eccleshall said:

> In the article on the DevBox, was Elate running on the announced
> spec machine (500MHz K6-2), or was it on some super machine? The
> only reason I ask is the 4 instances of Quake and 1 Doom on the
> same screen- I would have thought that that would take a slightly
> (?) faster machine...

Yes, that's on the announced spec, and running in software rendering mode.
Each game is running at a playable speed, although not fast. A touch faster
than Clickboom Quake on an '060 with GFX card, I'd say. Well hey, these
aren't exactly highly optimised ports you know! You can't even change the
screen size on Quake yet!


Andrew Korn.

Editor, Amiga Active Magazine |

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